Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Can Do Canine in final training? Let’s take a look behind the kennel door and see what a day in the life of Yuki, a female Labrador Retreiver currently in the final stages of her training to become an assistance dog, is really like. Yuki wakes up bright and early each morning and devours her morning kibble. After breakfast, it’s out to the yard for some serious morning play time with her kennel mates while the kennel is given a deep clean. In the yard, an ever-changing rotation of toys …
Feature Stories
Mobility Assist Dog Lola is Worth Her Weight in Gold
Eighteen-year-old Dane, who has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, is disciplined in regularly working out. “I make it an emphasis to get out and stay active, because I know if I don’t, things would go downhill pretty fast.” His dad, Jeff, is a Strength and Conditioning Coordinator at Winona State University and helps Dane modify weight routines. When Dane begins attending that same college in the fall, he will have a job in the fitness room. Despite his comfort with weights, he was relieved to feel a weight lifted off his shoulders when he welcomed Mobility Assist Dog Lola into his …
A Shaky Journey to a Steady Companion
The moment you meet Tammy, the first thing you notice is her contagious joy and how you suddenly feel like she’s welcomed you into her family. Tammy cares deeply about caring for others, so the people and animals in her life know only love and kindness. One lucky Can Do Canine was recently welcomed into Tammy’s family to start sharing this warm environment, and for Tammy, the addition was not a moment too soon. Recent years have brought Tammy a growing number of medical diagnoses and limitations, which have made her world smaller and smaller. While she doesn’t have a …
One Look Says It All for Kim and Mobility Assist Dog Mazie
It’s right there in their eyes. When Kim and Mobility Assist Dog Mazie look at each other, their shared love is obvious to anyone. During one such moment, Kim quietly says, “She really likes me.” Mazie is not the only dog to have this feeling for Kim, though. Kim was first matched with Can Do Canine Tagg, a Labradoodle, in 2011. Tagg was a much-needed partner for Kim, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1987, when she was in her late 20s. The disease causes her to fall frequently, and dropping items poses a challenge that can spiral. She …
How Flynn the Black Lab Helped in Unexpected Ways
By Ian Hebeisen Assistance dogs fill many different roles around the house. They play the part of doorman by tugging doors open, and housekeeper by cleaning up toys. Flynn the Black Lab, a Mobility Assist Dog, fills all these roles, but perhaps his most impactful role is that of motivator. Flynn is paired with Drake, a 10-year-old living with cerebral palsy. When Drake was around 7 years old, his parents started looking into getting a service dog to not only help accomplish tasks, but to be a lifelong friend for Drake. “When we looked into Can Do Canines, we thought …
Frasier the Wonder Dog Comes to the Rescue
By: Sarah Lennander As Ann was getting older and the effects of her disabilities were compounding, she was at a crossroads. “I felt like I was headed towards being unable to live by myself anymore,” she explains. Enter, Mobility Assist Dog Frasier. Or as Ann calls him, “Frasier the Wonder Dog.” Standing tall on four legs and weighing in at 66 pounds, the black Labrador Retriever isn’t what most people initially imagine when they think of a superhero. In fact, Ann remembered her first impression of Frasier, saying, “I was kind of surprised at how little he was!” But having …
A Veteran’s New Buddy to have his Back
People who serve their country often live out their role as caretaker, not regularly considering ways they could seek help for themselves. Through serving two tours in Vietnam, establishing a family, continuing to work, and finally retiring, Gary has been dedicated to keeping others safe. However, after a rapid decline in his ability to hear, he realized he would need help to remain aware of important sounds around him. Gary has worn hearing aids since the late 80s, still unable to hear some pitches with them in. At night when he takes them out, he’s nearly deaf. Growing up in …
Big Enough to Overwhelm a Dog, Smart…and Calm…Enough to Not Want To
At age 13, Preston is big for his age at 5 feet, 10 inches and 160 pounds. He’s also fast, being able to easily outrun at least his mom, if not his dad. In the past, Preston’s Autism Spectrum Disorder has caused him to bolt from his parents and to have emotional meltdowns in public. When he was a toddler, those situations weren’t nearly as dangerous and troublesome, but parents Nikki and Corey knew to get help for Preston before their situation got out of control. They applied with Can Do Canines when Preston was just 3 years old and …
Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah Bliss
Sarah has been involved in the Puppy Program in several different roles. Her most recent undertaking was as the rescue foster home for Edgar, a 1.5 year old Retriever Mix from the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley who became a Can Do Canine in April. “I grew up not far from Can Do Canines so I frequently would pass by the building while on the highway,” Sarah says. She continues, “My mom and I attended a graduation event when I was in high school and that’s really when I learned about the organization and all that they did. It …
Taking Independence to a Higher Level
Consider for a moment your dream home. Would it have an elevator? Fifteen-year-old Mike has an elevator that directly accesses his bedroom. But for Mike, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, having elevator access is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. When Mike and his family took the steps to receive a Mobility Assist Dog from Can Do Canines, a special dog needed to rise to the occasion. An intelligent, black Labrador Retriever named Maddox was down with the plan to perform the specific skills to help Mike navigate the world. Although ecstatic to welcome a new buddy, …