Sustaining Monthly Gifts

Can Do Canines assistance dogs are heroes for their human partners. You can be a hero too!
If you're passionate about the human-dog bond and enhancing the lives of people with disabilities, now is the perfect time to become a Monthly Hero. Join a group of dedicated Can Do Canines partners whose support ensures we can continue to train life-changing assistance dogs and place them at no cost with clients, giving them peace of mind and independence.
You will also receive special updates exclusive to our Monthly Heroes!
Can Do Canines' mission to pair specially trained dogs with people with disabilities truly speaks to me as a civic-minded dog lover. As soon as I learned about the Monthly Hero program, I signed up immediately. The program makes it easy for me to make a monthly contribution that fits my desire to support the organization without having to hope that I remember.
- Heather, Can Do Canines Monthly Hero
Remembering Can Do Canines in your estate plan is an impactful way to help sustain and strengthen our services for many years to come. Extend your support of Can Do Canines and make a lasting impact on individuals in need of an assistance dog.
Our development staff welcomes the opportunity to work with you to create a plan that will help realize your needs and philanthropic intentions.
Listed below are descriptions of a variety of planned giving opportunities, such as bequests, beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and life insurance, charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts.

Legacy Club
The Legacy Club is a select group of donors who share the conviction of our mission now and in the future. They express that conviction by including Can Do Canines in their estate planning.
View our 2023 Volunteers and Donors List, which includes those who are part of our Legacy Club.
A bequest to Can Do Canines is a meaningful way to support our work. Your bequest may be for a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. You may also create a bequest that helps us after you have provided for your family and friends, called a residual bequest.
To help you get started on your plans and legacy, you can use FreeWill, a free online tool that guides you through the process of creating a legally valid will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online, and can be completed in 20 minutes.
If you’re ready to leave a bequest to us, it’s important to include our correct legal name and address and tax I.D.
Can Do Canines
9440 Science Center Drive
New Hope, MN 55428
Tax I.D.: 41-1594165
Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity is a gift of an asset in exchange for a flow of income. Today, the concept includes valuable tax benefits for donors. Perhaps even more valuable than the financial advantage is the satisfaction you’ll gain by helping us continue our vital work.
Retained Life Estates
One of your valued possessions—your home—can become a valued gift to Can Do Canines, even while you are still living in it, and even if you want your spouse or another survivor to continue living there for life. This arrangement is called a retained life estate.
Wealth Replacement Trusts
You can make a sizable contribution to Can Do Canines now to help meet our current needs, but without reducing the estate you will eventually pass to your family. A wealth replacement trust can accomplish this goal through the purchase of life insurance.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust can help you achieve a number of personal and financial goals. Depending on your circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support to our organization.
Charitable Lead Trusts
You can provide an inheritance for your children and also make a significant charitable gift to Can Do Canines through your estate. A charitable lead trust can help you meet both objectives.
Real Estate
If you own real estate that is fully paid off and has appreciated in value, an outright gift of that property to Can Do Canines may be the simplest solution to your giving objectives. You can deduct the fair market value of your gift, avoid all capital gains taxes and remove that asset from your taxable estate. You can transfer the deed of your home or farm to us now and keep the right to use the property for your lifetime and that of your spouse.
Life Insurance
You can donate a life insurance policy to Can Do Canines or simply name us as the beneficiary. For the gift of a paid-up policy, you receive an income tax deduction equal to the lesser of the cash value of the policy or the total premiums paid. To qualify for the federal charitable contribution deduction on a gift of an existing policy, you must name us as owner and beneficiary.
Retirement Plan Assets
People who have planned carefully for their retirement may find that the assets in their IRAs and other qualified plans exceed their needs. You can designate the assets remaining in the plan after your death to Can Do Canines. This strategy can be far more advantageous than having those assets included in your taxable estate or leaving them to heirs, which could be taxed at a cumulative rate of over 65%.
If you are 70.5 and have a traditional IRA, you are eligible to give a tax-free gift to Can Do Canines directly from your IRA. Get started now at Freewill's site!
- No estate tax is due on the retirement plan assets that pass to Can Do Canines
- The gift will qualify your estate for a charitable deduction
- The funds may be used to establish a life income trust for a person of your choice
You can donate through payroll deduction plans, such as United Way, the Combined Federal Campaign or Community Health Charities by designating Can Do Canines for all or part of your contribution. While Can Do Canines is not a partner agency of United Way, they still allow a donor to request where their funds are designated, including Can Do Canines. Please ask your HR representative or your charitable contribution coordinator for the designation form.

Employer Matching Gifts
You can double — or even triple — the impact of your donation to Can Do Canines with a matching gift from your employer. Employer matching gifts are a simple way to maximize your donation to Can Do Canines — providing more resources to train and place assistance dogs for people with disabilities at no charge!
Matching your donation is easy! Just contact your human resources or business office for a matching gift form or for more information.
Most companies ask you to complete and return a short form and may require Can Do Canines’ tax identification number: 41-1594165.
If your employer does offer a matching gift, please send your completed form to:
Can Do Canines
Employer Matching Gifts Program
9440 Science Center Drive
New Hope, MN 55428
If your employer has an Employee Contributions Club that funds local grants, please let us know. We’ll be happy to submit a proposal to help support our services.
Questions about the Employer Matching Gift Program? Contact Can Do Canines Development Department:
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 763-331-3000, ext. 9182
All gifts made to Can Do Canines through workplace giving are tax deductible.
View our 2023 Volunteers and Donors List, which includes those who participated in workplace giving.

Community Health Charities
Can Do Canines is a proud member of Community Health Charities. Community Health Charities is an alliance of leading nonprofits that raises awareness and resources for health and wellness by connecting more than 40 of the most trusted health charities in Minnesota with more than 17 million caring employees nationwide through workplace giving campaigns, causes, wellness programs, and employee engagement. When donating through a Community Health Charities campaign or a campaign Community Health Charities is a part of be sure to designate your gift to Can Do Canines (B01410).

Combined Federal Campaigns - CFC #67285
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) allows Federal employees to support the international, national and local charities they care about. Most Federal employees elect to pledge a specific amount to be withheld regularly from their pay beginning in January and continuing through December. One-time gifts are also possible.
The payroll deduction method has many advantages. It’s efficient. Workplace giving campaigns are the most cost-effective method to raise funds for charity, including the designated group. It is also easy. Donors find workplace giving a simple, convenient way to support the charities they care about.
The CFC has been around for over 40 years. Every year, tens of thousands of charities apply to participate. Only those that meet strict standards of eligibility are admitted. Can Do Canines is proud to be one of those charities.
To support us through your CFC campaign, designate our assigned code (67285) on your donation form. Thank you!

United Way
To designate money through a United Way campaign, please write in both the complete name and address of our organization:
Can Do Canines
9440 Science Center Drive
New Hope, MN 55428
Some procedures vary with each local or regional campaign, please check with your workplace giving coordinator to make sure that you designate your donation correctly.
Can Do Canines relies on donations from people like you to train and place life-changing assistance dogs. There are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of people living with a disability who need an assistance dog. Here are a few:
Our wish lists show specific items we need for various purposes.

Items for Clients
Whenever a client receives their Can Do Canine, we provide them with a starter kit of basic necessities. You can contribute to this by purchasing items on our Client Supplies Wish List.

Items for Whelping
It takes a lot to take care of a newborn baby, and puppies are no exception. Please consider contributing by using our Whelping Supplies Wish List.

Items for Prison Programs
As a way to thank the inmates and prisons that partner with us, we send them new dog toys and treats for their pups each fall. Check out our Prison Program Toys Wish List to contribute to this cause.
Where to Shop
You are welcome to buy approved items at your preferred pet supply store. You can bring your donations to our campus and drop them off at our front desk. Or, to arrange for a contribution of wish list items, please email Kathy Broten or call 763-331-3000, x9152.
Other Helpful Items
If you have some of the below items that you no longer need or want, contributing them makes a lot of sense. You’ll help us, spare the environment and turn your unwanted goods into a possible tax deduction!
- Bug Spray (sport, non-oily)
- Dog Beanie Babies
- No-Iron Black Tablecloth/Draping for 6’ tables
- Office supplies (copy paper, markers, stamps)
- Bleach, glass cleaner
- HE laundry detergent
- Nature’s Miracle Cleaner
Gift cards to:
- Pet Stores
- Grocery stores
- Office and craft supply stores
- Any used auto, motorcycle or boat
- Auto repair/maintenance