Report an Emergency
If you have a sick, injured, or lost Can Do Canine, call 763-331-3000, ext. 3. If you receive voicemail, please make sure to leave your name, phone number, and the name of the dog you are calling about, with a brief description of the emergency.
Apply for a Dog
For questions related to applying for an Assistance Dog, contact Cari at or 763-331-3000, ext. 9157.
If you have questions about volunteering or are a current volunteer who needs to cancel a shift, contact Christine at
Support Us
For questions about supporting us financially, contact Sheila at or 763-200-1409.
Request a Speaker
To request a Can Do Canines representative to speak to your group or organization, contact Laurie at or 763-331-3000, ext. 9113.
Media Inquiries
For media inquiries, contact Caren at or outside business hours, 763-200-6151.
Other Questions
For questions about this website, including accessibility, email
To email a specific staff member, please see the Our Humans page.
For all other inquiries, email
Office Hours: Monday – Friday,
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone: 763-331-3000
9440 Science Center Drive
New Hope, MN 55428