Kaitlyn Eliason and Autism Assist Dog Yummy By Caty Taborda-Whitt Seven-year-old Kaitlyn Eliason of Lakeville, Minnesota, loves the newly discovered freedom of putting her face in the water during swim lessons, something she wasn’t comfortable attempting just a few months ago before her Autism Assist Dog, Yummy, entered the picture. Kaitlyn has autism, and for years has struggled with anxiety, meltdowns, and trouble focusing on tasks. Her diagnosis came during a preschool evaluation when she was just over three years old, months after her parents Karen and Frederick first became concerned that some of Kaitlyn’s behaviors differed from those of her …
Behind the Scenes: Wisconsin Prison Programs
In this article, we’ll venture across state lines and look into how three correctional institutions in Wisconsin are helping raise future assistance dogs. In February 2016, Can Do Canines began partnering with Stanley Correctional Institution (SCI) in Stanley, Wisconsin, to help raise and train our puppies. In May 2017, we expanded to the neighboring Jackson Correctional Institution (JCI) in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Most recently, we also partnered with a third Wisconsin institution, Chippewa Falls Correctional, to help with weaning new litters. Inmates who are interested in becoming a handler must complete an application, pass a background screening, and have …
Volunteer Spotlight – Sue FitzGerald
Raising and training an assistance dog truly requires the efforts of many, and it wouldn’t be possible without people like Sue FitzGerald, a Can Do Canines volunteer helping with our Wisconsin programs. Sue first heard of Can Do Canines at a Twin Cities dog show eight years ago and knew immediately that she wanted to get involved. After relocating from Minnesota to Wisconsin, she wasn’t sure how she could participate, but as fate would have it she learned we were starting a program in Wisconsin. “One of the best days ever was seeing a local news segment indicating that Can …
Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning’s End
Karen Glander and Mobility Assist Dog Austin By Winona Schultz When Karen Glander was just one year old, she was infected with the Polio virus which affected her right arm and left leg. Then at age 40, she was diagnosed with post-polio syndrome, meaning the earlier affected muscles began to further deteriorate She now only has the use of two fingers on her right hand and uses a full leg brace on her left leg at all times, as well as a power chair in public. Her doctors suggested an assistance dog to help her find more independence at home …
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Deborah Krinke and Diabetes Assist Dog Cayenne By Kaity Padden Deborah Krinke of Stillwater, Minnesota had become less aware of high and low blood glucose levels after 37 years with type 1 diabetes and feared that she was taking too much of a toll on her family’s life. Her husband would check on her throughout the night, and every once in a while a family member would come across her in need of assistance in treating a low. Recently, Deborah received medical equipment to help better manage her diabetes. Although these devices have helped her considerably, she still needed extra …
Xena’s Never Wrong
Jenecie Karelis and Autism Assist Dog Xena By anonymous Seven-year-old Jenecie Karelis of Cambridge, Minnesota is enjoying new life experiences thanks to her very special dog, Xena, an Autism Assist Dog. The challenges of daily life are extra difficult for Jenecie and her family. Even “simple” transitions can be a catalyst for a major meltdown. But that was before Xena. Now, life is a bit easier, transitions smoother, and new things a little less overwhelming. Jenecie has Xena by her side—her anchor, her focus, and her friend. “Everything has changed with Xena here,” says Jenecie’s mom, Trish; she’s happy …
The Freedom To Go
Michael Powell and Mobility Assist Dog Zelda By Bill Johnson As a bus driver for Metro Transit and later for Greyhound, Michael Powell experienced the allure of the open road. But seven years ago, his driving career came to a screeching halt when he suffered an on-the-job back injury. Severe back pain, exacerbated by peripheral neuropathy, made it impossible to continue commercial driving. Although he can’t log the miles like he used to, the New Brighton, Minnesota, resident definitely doesn’t sit still, thanks in large part to Zelda, his Can Do Canines Mobility Assist Dog. With Zelda by his side, …
The Biggest Love Bug in the World
Luci Camorani and Mobility Assist Dog Maggie By Amy Verrando As a sophomore at the University of Minnesota (U of M), Luci Camorani leads the typically hectic life of a busy college student. Majoring in genetics, cell biology, and development, Luci has to juggle a challenging course load while also dealing with the difficulties of living with both Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). EDS and POTS cause Luci to have trouble regulating her blood pressure, specifically when standing up or bending over, which can cause her to become lightheaded and dizzy, resulting in a fall. “Standing up …
A Bright and Independent Future
Alex Cracraft and Autism Assist Dog Comet By Joy Miller For eight years, Alex Cracraft of Fridley, Minnesota, and his Autism Assist Dog, Windy were an awe-inspiring team everywhere they went. With Windy’s love and support, Alex has become more confident and independent—an outcome which has thrilled his parents, Rich and Laura. Alex and Windy teamed up after the Cracraft family learned about Can Do Canines at an Autism Society Skills session. Alex was eight years old and in second grade. Now a junior in high school, Windy gratefully retired from active partnering with Alex in December of 2016. At …
This Winter Will Melt Your Heart
Jo Smith and Mobility Assist Dog Winter By Emma Hage Jo Smith of Cross Lake, Minnesota has mobility issues as a result of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), a heritable peripheral nerve disorder. She began to see her dexterity, balance, and ambulation decline, needing to wear braces on her legs for extra support. Getting around became a challenge. So when Jo realized that an assistance dog could be the help she needed, she reached out to Can Do Canines. Her pet dog had passed away recently, and Jo was excited about the possibility that a new dog could provide her with companionship …