The singer Gloria Estefan released a song in the late 80s that contained the lyrics, “Get on your feet. Stand up and take some action.”
That’s exactly what Mobility Assist Dog Xander is helping his partner, Michael, to do. Michael, who has lesions on his spine and was diagnosed with recurring/relapsing multiple sclerosis in 2016, says of Xander, “He keeps me on my feet.”
Prior to having Xander, Michael admits he spent a lot of time in his living room chair. “I couldn’t stand in place for very long,” says Michael. Xander has changed that. In only their initial days together, this sturdy black Lab made his helpful spirit known. Michael confesses, “He actually had to help train me the first week I brought him home.” Michael didn't realize the extent of Xander's abilities until Xander started offering helpful behavior spontaneously. Mentioning that Xander helped support him to a standing position, he says, “He just walked up and started doing it.”
This increased mobility is serving to prevent Michael from losing mobility in his limbs. “My right side doesn’t always cooperate, and my left leg’s starting to give me issues.” Considering these progressive symptoms, it was Michael’s neurologist in St. Cloud who recommended Can Do Canines. “My doctor said he could help me with a lot of tasks that are getting harder and harder,” Michael says.
The doctor was right. Other skills Xander helps with are retrieving shoes, tugging Michael’s walker to him and picking up keys when he drops them. Michael explains, “Sometimes my hands get numb and I don’t feel when I let go of things.”
Michael is astonished at what a good dog Xander is and says, “His training is unbelievable.” Appreciative of all the time and work that so many people put into this gentle counterpart for him, Michael remarks, “He’s helpful in every way….He has gotten better and better every day.”
Perhaps there’s a song in that!
Thank you to all those who made this partnership possible:
Great Start Home: Beth and Greg Carlson
Puppy Raiser: Federal Correctional Institution-Sandstone
Special Thanks: Betsy Aird, Sharee Marcus
Name-A-Puppy Donor: Wells Fargo
You: Thank you for your donations!