It’s Autism Acceptance Month!
Before Autism Assist Dog Ruth impacted George and his family, she left her mark on her inmate handler, Rich, in prison. Rich's full letter to George about training Ruth as a participant in our Prison Puppy Program is below.
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Rich's Letter to George

Hi George,
My name is Rich. I am one of the guys who trained your new companion Ruth, and I’m sure you already know that Ruth is also your best friend. When I met Ruth her first day, she was a little nervous about being in a new and strange place, but I let her know that I would look out for her, and we became buddies.
Then, Ruth looked at me as if to say: “What do we do now?” We worked on Ruth’s loose–leash walking skills, “get”-ing things, “clean”-ing “up” her toys, and so on. After training, Ruth and I played tug for a bit. When we went back to our room, Ruth came over to me and kissed my face while wagging her tail, as if to say, ‘Thank you, I guess it’ll be okay here after all.”
Ruth let me know that I was awesome, and I told her she was the BEST DOG EVER! And when I held her Nyla-bone tight for her so she could get a good chew, she curled up next to me, and we took a nap…together.
In some people’s opinion, I may be a “bad guy” because I am in prison, but Ruth just saw a good guy, so I am happy when I think about George and Ruth because I know Ruth doesn’t see George - the autistic boy, Ruth just sees George, and loves him unconditionally.
I remember one day in particular with Ruth. Although it wasn’t necessarily a very hectic or stressful day, but like many prisoners, I was missing my son and daughter, and I guess I was pushing it down a bit. Ruth approached me at my desk, and as she rested her chin on my leg (this is what we train as a “visit”) she looked me in the eyes, and with one big exhale, she filled me, and the whole room with a sense of peace and calmness.
I was asked, “What personal growth or insights have you gained from being part of this?”, and I can say that having become a part of the training program here at Jackson rather abruptly, I took to the training methods quickly, and after training a puppy named Inga, Ruth was the second dog that I worked with. I learned so much about dogs and myself along the way, and when it was challenging, Ruth comforted me. But, one dog after another would walk right out that door, happily unaware that they would not be back, and I was left wondering… ‘Where are they?”, “Are they happy?”, “Are they getting the right amount of belly rubs?”
And then one day, I was told that there was a “Graduation” video, and Ruth was one of the dogs featured on it. I loaded the DVD and stared intently at the screen…
There was Ruth! doing a little “clean-up” with George, a little something I was working on with her when she left. And then it hit me like a flash…
“Yes! Ruth is happy!”
“Yes! Ruth is gonna get a lot of belly rubs!”
And even better, the answer to my biggest question of all…
“Where is Ruth?”
Ruth is home! Ruth is HOME!
(I’m not ashamed to say, this big tough prisoner cried tears of joy at this)
I am so happy, for George has a new family member, and a new best friend, and her name is Ruth.
So, I have learned to trust and have faith in those who have come together to create something wonderful and beautiful, and the process in which one might not always see the end result. I believe in the wonderfully good force that is putting the right people, in the right positions, for the right reasons, and I am grateful to be a part of it. Thank you everyone.
We all know that school can be challenging, but since Ruth has already graduated, I’m sure she’ll be a great help to you, George. She can’t do homework, but she’ll be your companion, your protector, your confidence builder, and even a girl magnet.
I envision so many joyous experiences for George and Ruth that George…you will always think of Ruth as a part of you.
So, congratulations George, your new family member is Ruth, THE BEST DOG EVER AND NOW YOU’RE BOTH HOME…TO EACH OTHER.