Long story short, we’ve missed you! While we know that keeping our campus closed to the public for over a year was of course the safe, lawful and correct action, we’re excited to announce that we are planning to open our Can Do Canines doors again.
Beginning Tuesday, June 1 (the day after Memorial Day), we will be welcoming volunteers, visitors and yes, even our postal carrier back in the building. Marvin, one of our on-site cats, will be especially thrilled with the extra potential attention.
And the dogs? Our trainee tenants will be beside themselves with all the new human friends they’ll soon be making!
For those of you who have been dog walkers previously, expect to receive another email from our volunteer department soon with more details of how you can return to this much-needed role.
Our training department will also be sharing a message about classes and puppy raising. Those of you involved in those ways should keep an eye on your inbox for that information.
When visiting our campus, all non-four-legged guests must wear a facemask while in the building, as we will be strictly enforcing the state of Minnesota’s recommended guidelines.
Our June events, Tails to Tell on June 10 and Summer Graduation on June 26, will still be held virtually, since we’ve already been planning and publicizing them in that way. We are hopeful that future events will be in person.
We know that this past year has been challenging in many ways, but we cannot tell you enough how much we’ve appreciated how you’ve stepped up and adapted in the ways you have. Your dedication ensured that we could continue the valuable work of matching assistance dogs with those who need them. We’ve done our best to keep at a “business-as-usual” pace, but your patience and understanding as we all learned what that meant at various stages did not go unnoticed. Thank you! We’re looking forward to resuming a sense of normalcy next month.
See you…in person…soon.