Our specially trained service dogs change lives.
Over 900 lives and counting have been enhanced by adding a Can Do Canine partner. Both our dogs and clients thrive when they come together to form a team.
Explore our six assistance dog programs:
Mobility Assist Dogs
Mobility Assist Dogs work with people who have mobility challenges and other needs. They pick up and carry objects, turn on lights, open doors, and help pay at tall counters. Learn more about Mobility Assist Dogs.
Autism Assist Dogs
Autism Assist Dogs keep children with autism safe in public settings and help them experience the world more fully by offering comfort and assurance. These special dogs also serve as a social bridge between the family and the public. Learn more about Autism Assist Dogs.
Hearing Assist Dogs
Hearing Assist Dogs alert a person who is deaf or hard of hearing to sounds by making physical contact with them and leading them to the source of the sound. Learn more about Hearing Assist Dogs.
Diabetes Assist Dogs
Diabetes Assist Dogs detect low blood sugar levels by sensing a change in their partner’s breath odor. The dog alerts their partner by making physical contact. Learn more about Diabetes Assist Dogs.
Seizure Assist Dogs
Seizure Assist Dogs respond to a person having a seizure by licking their face, retrieving an emergency phone, and alerting other family members. Learn more about Seizure Assist Dogs.
Facility Dogs
Facility Dogs are trained to work at a designated location with a variety of people. Learn more about Facility Dogs.
Types of Dogs We Don't Train
Can Do Canines does not train or place dogs for the following:
- guide work for the blind,
- alert to a guardian of child behavior or medical condition,
- to work in therapeutic or visiting roles in hospitals or assisted living,
- safety from environmental hazards,
- aggression or personal protection,
- the management of mental illness as a primary condition,
- for the primary purpose of emotional comfort or social support,
- or for the primary purpose of managing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- On a case-by-case basis, Can Do Canines will consider adding specialized training for PTSD for clients who are already accepted into our program for one of the five assistance dog types mentioned above.