Our wish lists show specific items we need for various purposes.
Items for Clients
Whenever a client receives their Can Do Canine, we provide them with a starter kit of basic necessities. You can contribute to this by purchasing items on our Client Supplies Wish List.
Items for Whelping
It takes a lot to take care of a newborn baby, and puppies are no exception. Please consider contributing by using our Whelping Supplies Wish List.
Items for Prison Program
As a way to thank the inmates and prisons that partner with us, we send them new dog toys and treats for their pups each fall. Check out our Prison Program Toys Wish List to contribute to this cause.
Where to Shop
If you do shop on Amazon, you can have the items shipped directly to our facility. Keep in mind that using AmazonSmile will benefit us as well. We've put together step-by-step instructions to sign up for AmazonSmile.
You are also welcome to buy approved items at your preferred pet supply store. You can bring your donations to our campus and drop them off at our front desk. Or, to arrange for a contribution of wish list items, please email Kathy Broten or call 763-331-3000, x152.
Other Items
If you have some of the below items that you no longer need or want, contributing them makes a lot of sense. You’ll help us, spare the environment and turn your unwanted goods into a possible tax deduction!
- Any used auto, motorcycle or boat
- Auto repair/maintenance
- Bug Spray (sport, non-oily)
- Dog Beanie Babies
- No-Iron Black Tablecloth/Draping for 6’ tables
- Office supplies (copy paper, markers, stamps)
- Bleach, glass cleaner
- HE laundry detergent
- Nature’s Miracle Cleaner
Gift cards to:
- Pet Stores
- Grocery stores
- Office and craft supply stores