The Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated by a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.
- Anonymous (12)
- Taara Amrine
- Gary Anderson
- Leona Billings
- Steve Bonnick
- Neil Bright
- Michelle Broad
- Donna Dean
- Janet Dubats
- Nancy Easter
- Leanne Edberg
- Terry Egge
- Michael Esch
- Harold Ferguson
- Debbie Fisher
- Kathleen Galiger
- Patrick Gerdes
- Diane Golden
- Becky Groseth
- Pamela Heggestad
- Dorothy Holden
- Roy Hosek
- Kevin Houck
- Jennifer Howe
- Kathryn Hoy
- Patricia Hughes
- Carol Jennings
- Gerri Juntilla
- Kathy Kaiser
- Barbara Koch
- MarySue Krueger
- Lee Laurisch
- Liz Lucast
- LaVonne Ludke
- Ross Lund
- Jacqueline Lundemo
- John Manthey
- Laura McKeon Morin
- Kim Medin
- Marty Mensen
- Elizabeth Milligan
- Theresa Miniscalco
- Jessica Murray
- Rebecca Nosan
- Jacob Pahlke
- Teresa Pierce
- Jane Ramsey
- Mary Roemhildt
- Scott Sandison
- Dennis Schulstad
- Judy Sharken Simon
- Nicole Sheffer
- Kathryn Sherwood
- Sandra Simonson
- Steven Smith
- Madison Stangl
- Barbara Sternquist
- Lynn Teschendorf
- Roger Tottingham
- Debra Tweten
- Jean Wagner
- Doreen West
- MaryJo Wheeler
- Linda Wicklund
- Toni Yeamans
- Mike Zeckmeister