- Anonymous Donors - 6
- Affinity Plus Credit Union
- Ann and James Winsor Charitable Fund
- Steve and Diane Baardson
- Baker Foundation
- Allison and Jason Bakke
- Best Buy Co., Inc
- Bloomington Lions Club
- Suzanne Boda
- Gregory Brown
- Linda Calvert
- Camara Press Foundation
- Cargill Financial Services International, Inc.
- Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation
- Casey Albert T. O'Neil Foundation
- Children's Minnesota
- Janet Conley
- Carol Connelly
- Ann Curme Shaw and Reid Shaw
- Joy Danielson
- Brad and Kristin Davis
- De Lacy Family Foundation
- Deanna Levenhagen and Amy Ross Charitable Fund
- Donald and Annette McGinness Donor Advised Fund
- DSK Knudson Charitable Fund
- Helene Eccleston
- Edward R. Bazinet Charitable Foundation
- Enterprise Holdings Foundation
- Enterprise/Taylor Charitable Entities
- Erickson Family Charitable Fund
- Jim and Sandra Fear
- Juanita Foster
- Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
- Brad and Diane Glorvigen
- Kevin and Nancy Graf
- Kimberly Greene
- Gunkel Family Foundation
- H. William Lurton Foundation
- Pat Hagen
- HealthPartners
- Joyce Heinisch
- Carol Hendrix
- Herr Family Fund
- Hodder Family Foundation
- Jay and Debra Hoekstra
- Hoveida Family Foundation
- Kathryn Hoy and Joseph Kurimay
- J. Elmer and Esther Hansman Charitable Trust
- Janet Conn Charitable Trust
- Janice Gardner Foundation
- Janny Schall Gothro Fund
- Jason and Allison Bakke Charitable Fund
- Jeanne M. Mithun Foundation
- Jerry & Karen Mathwig Fund
- John and Kim Burmeister Fund
- Chris and Marnie Jones
- Joseph C. and Lillian A. Duke Foundation
- K.A.H.R. Foundation
- Larry and Rachelle Kallevig
- Eileen Kalow
- Jane and Ed Keane
- King Family Foundation
- Kittay Family Fund
- Ron Knutson
- Jolene and Jeffrey Kuball
- Lake Country Mustang Club
- Mike Langanki
- Michelle Magdsick
- Kathleen Mahoney
- Terri Williams
- John Manthey
- Margaret Rivers Fund
- Maser-Amundson Family Fund
- Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
- Mayo Foundation of Medical Education and Research
- Monica McCracken
- Gina McGraw and Patrick Melin
- Medica Foundation
- Kim and Tom Medin
- Amy and Shawn Meyer
- Minnesota Twins Baseball Club
- Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative
- Morgan Stanley
- Nancy N. and Paul E. Hansen Fund of the St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation
- Northwest Tonka Lions Club
- Chuck and Carolyn Novotny
- Nuveen
- Onan Family Foundation
- Marian Ortolf-Bagley
- Lynn Osborne
- Otter Tail Corporation Foundation
- Our Change Foundation
- Patterson Foundation
- Penshorn/Joshua 24 Foundation
- Carole and Mike Petersen
- Thomas and Marilyn Pike
- Poehler-Stremel Charitable Trust
- Teri and Bill Popp
- Prime Therapeutics
- RAK Charitable Fund
- Ramsey Lions Club
- Kathryn Ramstad
- Teresa Rasmussen
- RGA Reinsurance Company
- Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
- Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP
- Connie Roehrich
- Michael Rose
- Beth Ryan
- Nancy Salter
- SandCastle Foundation
- Kandy Sayrs
- Elmer Schindel
- Terri and Mark Schoenfelder
- Scott Edgerton Donor Advised Fund
- SFM Mutual Insurance Company
- Sandra and Gene Sheih
- Kathryn Sherwood and Jeff Ersbo
- Phyllis Sorbel
- Special People In Need
- Spectrum Financial Group
- Spring Lake Park Lions Club
- St. Croix Valley Foundation
- Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation
- Steven C. Leuthold Family Foundation
- Steven Novotny Donor Advised Fund
- Greg and Cat Stevens
- Mary Swanson
- Sweitzer Foundation
- Nancy Terrett
- The Alicia and Tim Blank Family Fund
- The Bruning Foundation
- The Clinton Family Fund
- The Johnson Family Gift Fund
- Barbara Thies Christensen
- Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Foundation
- Tito's Handmade Vodka
- UnitedHealth Group - Employee Giving
- US Bank Employee Matching Gift
- John Van Hook
- Van Sloun Charitable Trust
- Marian Veaasen
- VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) 1783
- Vincent C. and Pamela A. Immordino Charitable Foundation (VIP CF)
- Judy Weidt
- Wendy Dankey Donor Advised Fund
- Doreen and Jeff West
- Jean West
- WestWings Family Foundation II
- Robert and Karen White
- Laurel Winsor
- Loretta Wold
- Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association
- Helen Zahn
2024 Volunteer Lists
2024 Donor Lists
2024 Legacy Club
The Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated by a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.