- Anonymous Donors - 6
- Denise and Paul Aasen
- Kristi Ackley
- Ahrens Family Fund
- Tammie Albertson
- Mary and Jon Alexander
- Alexandria Lions Club
- All Seasons Garage Door
- America's Charities
- Jacquelyn Anderson
- Ary Anderson
- Juel Anderson
- Anonymous Wells Fargo
- Vincent and Victoria Arnoldi
- Avon Lions Club
- Babbitt Lions Club
- Judith and Charles Babcock
- Rachel Bach
- Jeff and Leanne Bakke
- Ronald Barczak
- Ronald Bartel
- Helengrace Bauer
- Patricia Beckers
- Lloyd Benson
- Betsy Peregoy & Janice Hunton Donor Advised Fund
- Ruth and Mike Biedermann
- Rachel Blackwood
- Lisa Bollinger
- Samantha and Lance Bonner
- David Bounk
- Brainerd Lions Club
- Brian and Nancy Siska Family Fund
- Eli Brotman
- Connie Brown
- Melissa Brown
- Jackie Bruss
- Carol and Joe Burke
- Barbara and Tim Callister
- Karl and Nancy Cambronne
- Darell, Julie, and Nicholas Carlblom
- Carlos Lions Club
- Joanne Carlson
- Kathleen Carlton
- Nancy and James Carlson
- Chanhassen Lions Club
- Chisago Lakes Lions Club
- CHS Matching
- Carolyn and Ben Cleveland
- Connexus Credit Union
- Maureen Cook
- Coon Rapids Northstar Lions Club
- Bob Copus
- Judy and Dick Corson
- Carol Curtis
- Nacia Dahl and Michael Wheelock
- Michele and Mike Davies
- Dayton Lions Club
- Tim Decker
- Deer River Lions Club
- Delano Lions Club
- Dent Lions Club
- Rob, Kristi, and Jami DeRop
- Megan Diamond
- Patti and Rick Dougherty
- Jane Doyon
- Anita Duder
- Duluth Lions Club
- David Duncan
- Victoria and Bruce Dunlop
- Missy Durant
- E & I Minipics
- Eagan Lions Club
- Gale and Barbara Eastwood
- Ecolab
- Eden Prairie Lions Club
- Janice Eidal
- Elk River Lions Club
- Rosalind Elmquist
- Bobb and Janet Elsenpeter
- Emily Outing 50 Lakes Lions Club
- Lori Espeland
- Ewald Family Fund
- Fabian Zeller and Michelle Zeller Donor Advised Fund
- Farming Lions Club
- Nicole and Jason Feist
- Gretchen Fernelius
- Fidelity Charitable - RKR Charitable Fund
- Fingerhut Family Foundation
- Debbie Fisher
- Andrea and Steve Flor
- Foley Lions Club
- Barbara Frame
- Frazee Lions Club
- Ed Frie
- Rachel Gebo
- John and Jean Goad
- Pam and Larry Goehring
- Barbara Golden
- Maria Gomes
- Anita Goulett
- Grand Casino Mille Lacs
- Greater Twin Cities Dalmatian Club
- Grey Eagle Burtrum Lions Club
- Michele Grooms
- Jessica Grussing
- Hackensack Lions Club
- Darlene Hafner and Tom Cherry
- Kirsten Hahn
- Darla Haines
- Betty Hansen
- Merrilynne Haugen
- Greg Havlik
- Heidi Helmeke
- Charles Hendrix and Elizabeth Dolezal
- Katie Hilger
- Peter and Rebecca Hilger
- Hinckley Lions Club
- Beverly Hjulberg
- Dave Holden
- Kelly Hotzler
- Amy Houts
- Raande Howe
- Karen Hubbard
- Stephanie and David Hunt
- J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
- Jackson Lions Club
- Nancy Jacobson and Ed Dickinson
- Behrang Jalali
- Jason and Nicole Feist Donor Advised Fund
- Carrie John
- Jan and Callie Johnson
- Jordan Lions Club
- Jordaness Lions Club
- Judy Osborne Donor Advised Fund
- Colleen Kaldun
- Tracy Karth
- Kasson Mantorville Lions Club
- Carolyn Kastner
- Lynne and Rob Kaufman
- Shannon and Laura Kezar
- Teri Kiresuk
- Tom Kirscht
- Kleve Family Fund
- Deborah Klimbal
- Jeff Kohl
- Brennan Kopp
- Elaine Krob
- Guy and Renee Krogh
- Derek and Leslie Kuehn
- Jacinta Kuhar
- Angie LaBathe
- Lake City Lions Club
- Lamberton Lions Club
- Land O Lakes, Inc.
- Greg and Barbara Landeen
- Michele Landis
- Amy Langston
- Karen and Ray Larsen
- Nicole Larson
- Kathy Lauer-Vork
- Le Sueur Lions Club
- Trisha Leck
- Robert Leitschuh
- Sarah Lennander
- William Leonard
- Rose Lethert
- Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions Club
- Lions District 5M2
- Edward Long
- Rick Lowenberg
- Luce Line Brewing Co
- Nicole and Jeff Magandy
- Magellan Cares Foundation
- Jan Maiola and Doug Thompson
- Victoria Malawey
- Natalie and Chris Martin
- Jim and Jane Martin
- Malcolm and Megan Martin
- Donna Mathiowetz
- Todd Mayer
- Jan Mayer
- Maynard Lions Club
- Karen and Tim McCauley
- Mary McConnell
- Janet McFadden
- Tom and Connie McGraw
- Corinne McGraw
- McGregor Lions Club
- Jacqueline McIntee
- Mark and Tara McKenzie
- Robert and Joann McNeil
- Barbara McQuillan
- Vanamali Medina
- Metro West Inspection Services, Inc.
- Michelle Broad Charitable Fund
- Joyce and Gary Miller
- Laurie and John Miller
- Minneapolis Can Do Canines Lions Club
- Minneapolis Downtown Next Generation Lions Club
- Minneapolis Riverview Lions Club
- Vicki Mitchell
- Molenda Family Charity Fund
- Denise and John Molloy
- Jodi Monson and Nathan Markell
- Cheryl and Bill Monson
- Jeanne and Kevin Morales
- Marilyn Morem
- Motley Lions Club
- Tricia, Steven, and Frannie Murphy
- Danny Nadeau
- Marie and Michael Nagel
- Jean Nelson
- Kellen Nesvig
- Nicollet Lions Club
- Maja, Mary and Tom Nord
- NYA West Carver Lions Club
- Marina O'Neill
- Lily Olkives
- Orono Lions Club
- Otsego Lions Club
- Leo and Rita Ott
- Patricia and Michael Pataki
- Patti and Ben Campbell Donor Advised Fund
- Paynesville Lions Club
- Perfect 10 Quick Lube
- Paul and Sue Peske
- Katie Peters
- Stacey and Mitch Petersen
- Kathryn Peterson
- Suzanne Peterson
- Phylicia and Alain Petit
- Pets Remembered Cremation Service
- Kelly Pierce
- Teresa Pierce
- Pierz Lions Club
- Piper Sandler Matching Gift
- Marilyn and Gerald Pitmon
- Pledgeling Foundation
- Matt and Missy Porter
- Katheryn Powell-Larson
- Laura Powers
- Principal Financial Group
- Prior Lake Lions Club
- Joan Provencher
- Chad and Shannon Quigley
- Glenn Ramey
- Abigail Redalen
- Howard Reeves
- Robert & Diane Slayton Fund
- Rochester Host Lions Club
- Ryan Family Donor Advised Fund
- Jeannine and Dale Saari
- Kim and Brad Sawatzke
- Marge Schaub
- Jamie Mortland
- Arthur Schmidt
- Tracy Schramm
- Dave and Marilyn Schroeder
- Josh Schultz
- Susan Schwartz
- David Schwietz
- Karen and Craig Scofield
- Kenneth Severud
- Mary Shamrock
- Judy Sharken Simon and Chris Simon
- Rebeca Sharpe
- Vicki Shaw Wyard
- Cathy, Ciera and Karen Shea
- Nora Sievers
- Joanne Sigstad
- Denise Simonett
- Marta Simpson
- Marge Skeie
- Jo Smith
- Smith Giving Fund
- Spirit of Peace Community
- St. Augusta Post #621 of the American Legion
- St. Cloud Lions Club
- St. Joseph Y2K Lions Club
- Stacy Lions Club
- Staples Host Lions Club
- Michelle Stein
- Mark and Melissa Steuber
- Stewartville Morning Lions Club
- Mary, Charles and Jake Storms
- Jen Stowe
- Brianna and Tom Streefland
- T. Artist & J. Bacon Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- Lisa Taylor
- The Butcher's Tale
- Melanie and Craig Thielke
- David and Kathy Thomas
- Jim and Georgia Thompson
- Mark and Danell Toutge
- John Trucano
- Deb Tweten
- Mary Tyson
- Mark and Karen Uecker
- Upsala Lions Club
- Tony Urdahl
- Vadnais Heights Lions Club
- Norma VanKuiken
- Patrick Veilleux
- Victoria Lions Club
- Waconia American Legion
- Dianne Ward and James Mulholland
- Cheri Warwick
- Waterville Lions Club
- Gary and Debra Weber
- Andrea and Mike Wehrung
- Michael Biskupski
- Anna Weisenberger
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Cynthia Wentkiewicz
- Mary and David West
- White Bear Lake Lions Club
- Wildwood Lions Club
- Bruce Wingert
- Patty Wirz
- Christopher Woodruff
- Julie and Paul Woolfrey
- Lois Wroge
- Jackie Wulf
- Neal and Deborah Wunderlich
- Xcel Energy Foundation Matching Program
- David York
- Mike and Tracy Zeckmeister
- Mary Nell Zellner
- Michelle Zeng
2024 Volunteer Lists
2024 Donor Lists
2024 Legacy Club
The Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated by a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.