- Anonymous Donors - 11
- Abbott Laboratories
- Roger Ady
- Tabitha Althoff
- Altura Lions Club
- Al and Cheryl Anderson
- Alan Anderson
- Christine Anderson
- Jeanette and Gary Anderson
- Karen Anderson
- Marna and Mark Anderson
- Animal Humane Society
- Judith Aune
- Tim and Lisa Bachmeier
- Courtney Backen
- Jeffery Bailey and Molly Grove
- Joan Baker
- Connie and Bruce Ballanger
- Frank and Denise Barger
- Joan Bastel
- Carolyn Beach
- Maggie Begin
- Belgrade Lions Club
- Bemidji First City Lions Club
- Bill Benson
- Suzanne Best
- Best Buy - Matching Gifts
- Leona Billings
- JoAnn and Barry Birkholz
- Paul Blount
- Bluffton Lions Club
- Dave Boland
- Charlie and Rachel Bolognino Donor Advised Fund
- Jane Borochoff
- Marc and Mara Brandenburg
- Logan Brick
- Neil Bright and Judy Cowden
- Carroll Brooks
- Kathy and Mark Broten
- Timothy Brott
- Laurie Brovold
- Amanda Brown
- Barry Brown
- Bob and Kristi Brownson
- Robert Bruininks
- Buffalo Lake Lions Club
- Lisa Bugman and David Anderson
- Jessica Burggraf
- Sue and Bob Burns
- Kari and Kevin Buron
- Christy Buss
- Barb Camarata
- Colleen Canning and Diwa Ratnam
- Cargill Financial Services International, Inc.
- Patty Carlin
- Jeanne Carls
- Pam Carlson
- Joyce and Dennis Carlson-Rioux
- Carlton Lions Club
- Shar Cartney
- Lorrie and James Cegla
- Marilyn Chan
- Angela and Jay Chapman
- Chaska Lions Club
- David Christensen
- Jeannine Churchill
- CIGNA Foundation
- Tony Cleveland
- Kathleen Clinton
- Judy and Don Cochran
- Melissa Cohen Silberman and Sheldon Silberman
- Cokato Dassel Lions Club
- Cold Spring Home Pride Lions Club
- Cold Spring Lions Club
- Cologne Lions Club
- Coon Rapids Lions Club
- Joel and Linda Copeland
- Corcoran Lions Club
- Cottage Grove Lions Club
- Lynn and Gerald Cox
- Jan Croft
- Cuyuna Range Lions Club
- Jan and John Day
- Dell Technologies
- Dawn Dickison
- Vincent DiFruscio
- Dilworth Lions Club
- Jan Dubats
- Bill and Mary Duckert
- Sue Durand
- Echo Lions Club
- Taylor Eckerline
- Eden Valley Lions Club
- Mary Egan
- Eitzen Lions Club
- Kristin Elliott
- Encore Capital Group
- Thomera Erickson
- Corrine Evenson
- Fairmont Lions Club
- Nancy Felland
- Karen Feller
- David Fennern
- Paul Ferrari
- Kathryn Fierro
- Brent Fischer
- Jean Fitzmorris
- Keff Fonseth
- Kristine and Kevin Foreman
- Lisa Marie Fortier and Ryan Hempel
- Edward Fruchtenbaum
- Sandra Fuller
- Susan Garnett-Thomas and Gordon Thomas
- Dan Garry
- Kimberly George-Frey
- Marcia and James Gilman
- Karen and Jim Glander
- Jackie Gohdes and Dorothy Eide
- Goodhue Lions Club
- Thomas Goodyear
- Avron Gordon
- Grand Marais Lions Club
- Grand Rapids Cap Baker Lions Club
- Esther Graney
- Grant County Lions Club
- Greenwald Lions Club
- Grygla Lions Club
- Brandon and Colleen Guest
- Connor Guidera
- Theresa Gurney and Mary McCormick
- Carol Gurstelle
- Susanne Gustafson and Arnold Pflepsen
- H. Brandon and Colleen Guest Giving Fund
- Rex and Jacquelyn Hale
- Linda Hall
- Beverly Hall and Charles Neuman
- Ham Lake Lions Club
- Lindsey and David Hansen
- Tabitha Hanson
- Cheryl Hanson
- Lori Hasman
- Wesley Haut
- Heather Merk and Elizabeth McDonald Donor Advised Fund
- Hector Lions Club
- Pat and Dee Dee Heffernan
- Jonathan and Kelli Heimerl
- Lisa and Paul Heine
- Joan Heinen
- Kay Helmeke
- Bernard and Renee Herman
- Mary Hill
- Brette Hjelle
- Hoffman Lions Club
- Holdingford Lions Club
- Milena Holm
- Collin Holzwarth
- Terrie Hopkins
- Hopkins Lions Club
- Hopkins Noontime Lions Club
- Jennifer Howe
- Jessica Hrabe
- Linda Hutchinson
- Judy Ingram and Susan Sobelson
- Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Karen and Mark Inzerello
- Sara Isbell Cunningham
- Kathryn Iwanczuk
- Deanna Jacobson
- Mary Ellen Jansen
- Jill Jensen
- Cynthia Johnson
- Deborah Johnson
- Michelle, Joe, and Chase Johnson
- Stephanie Johnson
- Susan and Russell Johnson
- Michael, Chris, Nora, and Claire Jolowsky
- Stephen Jordheim
- Jeanne Joseph
- Joseph Mulvey Donor Advised Fund
- Amy and Dan Kainz
- Lou and Monica Kaplan
- George Karvel
- Vicky Kaschner
- Joanne Kaufman
- Laurie and Ron Kent
- Sheryl Ketroser and Mike Lent
- Kimball Lions Club
- Kelly Kirsch
- Robert Kolb
- David Koop
- Peter and Lisa Krall
- Zoe Kukuczka
- David and Lynda Laechel
- Lafayette Area Lions Club
- Lake Benton Lions Club
- Lakefield Acquisitions Corp
- Lakeville Lakeside Lions Club
- Julianne Larsen
- Larsen Winchester Lions Club - WI
- Carol and Terry Leach
- Leader Lions Club
- Margaret and Patrick Lennander
- Cheryl and Terry Lindberg
- Debra Linder
- Little Falls Dandee Lions Club
- Anne Lockner Bernat
- Betty Lokken and Kim Winston
- Marion London
- Look-Allgeyer Family Charitable Fund
- Paul and Dee Lundell
- Magnifi Financial
- Thomas Mahoney and Madeline Maxeiner
- Allison Malecek
- Kristin Manning
- Mapleton Sertoma Club
- Mark & Laura Capaldini Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
- Ruth Ann Marsh
- Margaret Martin
- Kristin and Jim Matejcek
- Leslie Matton-Flynn
- Peg Matuseski
- Dianne and Mike McCarthy
- Donald and Annette McGinness
- Connie McGraw
- Taylor McNitt
- Chris Melin
- Heather Merk
- Leslie and David Metzen
- Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- Jeremiah Miesen
- Jodelle Migely
- Kevin and Kathy Miller
- Natalie Miller
- Nicole Mitchell
- Francine and Richard Mocchi
- Janet Schutte Monasterio and Mario Monasterio
- Tyler Montray
- Montrose Lions Club
- Beth Moorhead
- Jennifer Moreen
- Collette Morgan
- Justin Morneau
- Roxanne and David Morrell
- Cyrus Morton
- Mytech Partners
- Tony Nagorski
- Nancy L. Fulton Donor Advised Fund Account at Schwab Charitable
- Deb, Gene, and Alisha Nelson
- Rebecca Nesset
- New Hope Church
- New Hope Lions Club
- New Munich Lions Club
- Jennifer and Shane Newman
- Pearl Norlin
- North Branch Lions Club
- Brooke Northfield
- Susan Novak
- William Nygaard
- Mike Nykanen
- Olivia Lions Club
- Mary Olson
- Lu and Susan Ommen
- Laurene, Dylan, and Dave Orndorff
- Orr Lions Club
- Osage Lions Club
- Susan and James Osiol
- James and Rhonda Palmersheim
- Pampered Chef
- Pax Christi Church
- Naomi Perman
- Elizabeth Persico
- Heidi and Scott Peterson
- Mike Peterson
- Laura and Mike Pierce
- Pillager Area Lions Club
- Pine City Lions Club
- Pine Island Lions Club
- Rebecca Planer
- Debbie Plude
- Plummer Lions Club
- Pogue Family Charitable Fund
- Bernadine Pomeroy
- Pro-Mohs-Proline Pet Products
- Lois Purdham
- Rose Raleigh
- Randall Cushing Area Lions Club
- Randy and Kathy Graham Charitable Fund
- Lynne Rasmussen
- Redwood Falls Lions Club
- Josette Repke
- Richmond Lions Club
- Alex, Kirby and Loretta Richter
- Neil Ritchie
- Barry and Vicki Riven
- Charles and Sally Rix
- Carol Robson
- Rochester 76 Lions Club
- Rochester Morning Pride Lions Club
- Robyn Rodrigue and George Nagorski
- Patty Roller
- Laurence Rosene
- Michael Rucinski
- Kathleen Rulka Donor Advised Fund
- Stephanie Ruotsinoja and Bradley Norberg
- William Rupp
- Rush City Lions Club
- Sara and Kaiya Ryberg
- Scott Sandison
- Sandstone Lions Club
- Sandstone Quarry Lions Club
- Sauk Centre Lions Club
- Sauk Rapids Lions Club
- Sauk Rapids Riverside Lions Club
- Barbara Scheuble
- Catherine and David Schlenk
- Jessica Schmitz
- Deb Scholten
- Holly Schuveiller
- Christine Schwartz
- Kathleen Schwartz
- David and Karen Scott
- Ty Severson
- Robert and Jennifer Shakal
- Sherburn Lions Club
- SHI International Corp
- John and Nan Shimota
- Leslie and Darleen Simon
- Sean Sittnick
- Kathleen Skeie and Todd Geske
- Renee Skogstad
- Lynn Slifer and Tom Kinsey
- Kathie and Jon Smestad
- Carol Sorenson
- South Santiago Lutheran Church
- Andrea Speth
- Spicer Sunrise Lions Club
- Brigid Spicola
- St. Cloud Metro Lions Club
- St. Lawrence Church
- St. Paul Midway Lions Club
- Staples 93 Lions Club
- State of WI - Dept of Corrections
- Lanae Steffen
- Bev Steffen
- Mike Steidle
- Sarah and Clay Stejskal
- Sharon and Rick Stevson
- Russ and Sandra Stobb
- Jessie Stoltenberg
- Diane Svoboda
- Debra Swanson
- Linda Sweetman
- Suzanne Swider
- Kim Tanley
- Target Corporation
- Amy Tebbe
- TEGNA Foundation
- Terry and Pamela Henderson Charitable Fund
- Lynn Teschendorf
- The Hensel Family Fund
- Richard and Martha Theilmann
- Ellen and Doug Thibodo
- Randall and Cynthia Thoen
- Melinda Thomas
- Thomson Reuters My Community Program
- Thrivent New Hope Group
- Toni Thulen
- Sara and Joe Thull
- John Tomlinson
- Tiffany Torrey
- Donna Treder and Ernie Warkentin
- Leesa Tyrell
- Sherry Van Rissenghern
- Sara, Stan, Isabella and Abigail VanderLugt
- Alison and Ryan Vandewiele
- Steve Vinge and Carole Anne Broad
- Virginia Lions Club
- Jim Wacek
- Waconia Lions Club
- Wendy and Thomas Wagner
- Kelly Wagner
- Anne Wakefield-Leck and Charles Leck
- Ann Wasik
- Laura Watterson
- Carla and Clinton Weber
- Linda and Dean Wedul
- Amanda and John Welle
- Barbara Wendt and Steven Kania
- Laura Wenzel
- Carla West
- Michele White
- Naomi and William Wilkins
- Willmar Noon Lions Club
- Lisa Willy
- Nancy Wiltgen
- Corinne Woodward
- Skip Wyland and Carol Noren
- Toni Yeamans
- Tom and Mary Zielund
2024 Volunteer Lists
2024 Donor Lists
2024 Legacy Club
The Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated by a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.