- Anonymous Donors - 32
- 225 Barbers
- AbbVie Inc
- Christopher Adams
- Adams Lions Club
- Cynthia Adelson
- Mina Adsit
- Veronica Ahern
- Kelly Ahrens
- Aitkin Lions Club
- Brenda and Art Alanen
- Brianna, Heidi and Rick Albers
- Albert Lea Cloverleaf Lions Club
- Albert Lea Lakeview Lions Club
- Albert Lea Lions Club
- Robert and Judy Alexander
- Janice Alexander
- Carol and Richard Allendorf
- Carrie Allerding
- Almelund Lions Club
- Amboy Lions Club
- American Family Corporate
- Amgen Foundation
- Clifford Anderson
- Cory Anderson
- Holly and Bob Anderson
- Karn Anderson
- Lisa Anderson
- Patricia Anderson
- Tia Anderson
- Tom and Meredith Anderson
- Sharon Anderson
- Andover Lions Club
- Animal Humane Society - Golden Valley
- Lori Antolec
- Mike and Cheri Appel
- Janet Aquino-Dantona
- Holli Arends
- Rebecca Arroyo
- Tim Artist and Jane Bacon
- Darlene Artym
- Arux Software
- Atonement Lutheran Church
- Atwater Lions Club
- Laurie Auge
- Austin Lions Club
- Austin Morning Lions Club
- Avon Hills Lions Club
- Josie and William Axness
- Backus Lions Club
- Kimberly Bahls
- Elicia Bailey
- Julie Baker
- Pamela Baker
- Kristeen Baller
- Sarah Barber
- Terry Baresh
- Kelly Barlow
- Ashley Barnes
- Barnesville Thursday Night Lions Club
- Alice Baron
- Steven Baron
- Cindy Barry
- Battle Lake Lions Club
- Vanessa Bauch
- Becker Lions Club
- Steve Bednar
- Fred Behrens
- Lynn Beihl
- Dena Belisle
- Shelley Belschner
- Therese and David Benck
- Katherine Bennett
- Brad Benson
- Margaret Benson
- Erin Bequette and Colin Kemmis
- Carny and Dan Berg
- Colleen Berg
- Michael Berndt
- Kelly Berry
- Eugene and Geraldine Berwald
- Annette Biederman
- Big Falls Lions Club
- Big Lake Lions Club
- Fred Bigelow
- Brian Biggs
- Roger and Susan Bittell
- Sarah Bittell
- Blackduck Lions Club
- Patricia and Herman Block
- Steve Blume
- Barbara Bluth
- Bob FM - Milestone Radio
- Sarah Bober
- Mary Boespflug
- Kathleen Bohanon
- Laura Boos
- Kathryn Boots
- Nicole Borgen
- Mary Beth Borgstadt
- David Bouchard
- Anita Boucher and Jeff Bangsberg
- Robert Bouley
- Mike Boulka
- Martina Bowman
- Christian Brand
- Jane and Larry Brandenburger
- Janet and Steve Bratkovich
- Laura Brattensborg
- Luanne Brault
- Karen Brehmer
- David and Debbie Brevig
- Brian and Kate Nau Donor Advised Fund
- Nancy Brill
- Brooklyn Center Lady Lions Club
- Brooklyn Center Lions Club
- Brooklyn Park Lady Lions Club
- Brooklyn Park Lions Club
- Janine Brostrom
- Dianne Broughten
- Angie Brown
- Megan Brown
- Brownton Lions Club
- Melissa Brudwick
- Gina Brunko-Marquez
- Bernadeen Brutlag
- Jeanne and Cliff Buchan
- Mary Budge
- Karen Buellesbach
- Laura Buggy
- Jennifer Bungum
- Linda and Bruce Burke
- Barbara Buss
- Karen Byers
- Nancy Byron
- Byron Lions Club
- Edward Caillier
- Patricia Callaghan
- Barbara Callet
- Sue Callier
- Rachel Calvert
- Sharon Camburn
- Jill Campbell
- Canine Partners of the Rockies, Inc
- Kathleen Capra
- Jasmine and Zach Carlson
- Jeffrey Carlson
- Nancy and Dick Carlson
- Steve and Lynn Carnes
- Louise Carpentier
- Cass Lake Lions Club
- Katie Castro
- Cedar East Bethel Lions Club
- Denae Celski-Simmonds
- Centerville Lions Club
- Hope Cerar
- Barbara Cervantes
- Katherine Chambers
- Lydia Champeau
- Charitable Adult Rides & Services
- Chatfield Lions Club
- Billie Chavez
- Kim Chayet
- Linda Cherwitz
- Karen and Steve Chesebrough
- Barbara Chirinos
- Michelle Chmielewski
- Clara City Lions Club
- Candace Clark
- Clearwater Lions Club
- Hannah Clemons
- LM Cleveland
- Terri Cohn
- Betty and Dustin Cole
- Tara Cole
- Staci Coleman
- George and Marcia Colson
- Columbus Lions Club
- Lori Commerford
- Gregory Conn
- Beverly Connelly
- Sarah Connelly
- Cook Lions Club
- Cosmos Lions Club
- Costco Wholesale Corp
- Courtland Lions Club
- Karen Cox
- Mark and Judy Cox
- Patrick Cronin
- Crookston Lions Club
- Claire and Mark Cukla
- Vicky and Terry Curtis
- Linda Curtler
- Patti Dahl
- Carla Dahl
- Bob Dahlheimer
- Patricia A Dalki
- Matthew Dalrymple
- Anne and Ken Dalsted
- Gary Damborg
- Nancy and Michael Dardis
- Darlene Carlson Donor Advised Fund
- Jeff and Cathy Davenport
- Mark David
- Katherine Davis
- Rebekah Davis
- Darci Dawson
- Elizabeth De Lay
- Richard DeBlieck
- Carol Decker
- Mary Degel
- Linda Denevan
- Jane Dessellier
- Detroit Lakes Lions Club
- Katherine Devine
- Diana Dickmeyer
- John Diedrich
- DeVee Dietz
- Dilworth Loco Lions Club
- Shari Dion
- Levi Dokken
- Kathy Dols
- Louise Donham
- Dr. Daniel C. Hartnett Family Foundation
- Kathy DuBois
- Michael Dupasquier
- Justin Dure
- Sara Durhman
- Bonnie Dyer Featherstone
- Eagle Bend Lions Club
- Emily Eckhoff
- Carrie Eder
- LuAnn and David Eisinger
- Valerie Ekre
- Thomas Ekstrand
- Renee and Steven Elertson
- Amanda Elfstrum
- Elizabeth Lions Club
- Melinda Elledge
- Elizabeth Elliott
- Sara Elstad
- Emily Kurtz Charitable Fund
- Kevin Endres
- Glenyce and Dennis Engel
- Amy Erickson
- Beatrice and Donald Erickson
- Deanna Erickson
- Stephanie Erickson
- Ivan Escalante
- Karen Esterl
- MJ Evans
- Excelsior Lions Club
- Experience Rochester
- Brandon Fabel
- Farmington Lions Club
- John and Mary Farrell
- Jim Fehrenbach
- David Feldmeier
- Thomas and Linda Ferber
- Carol Fernholz
- Fertile Lions Club
- Sanford Feuer
- FI Endeavors, LLC
- Polly and Stephen Filing
- Anita Fink
- Heidi Fisk
- Pam and Steve Flaten
- Shannon Flinn
- Flom & Area Lions Club
- Kevin Florence
- Forada Lions Club
- Laura Ford
- Victoria Forslund
- Fosston Lengby Lions Club
- Cindy Fossum
- Janelle Fox
- Jessi Fox
- Peggy Franklin
- Linda and Craig Franz
- Patricia Freiberger
- Kathleen Freichels
- Norma Friedrichs
- Cheryl Froland
- Nancy Fulton
- JP Gagne
- Katie Galloway
- Marlys, Benno and Julia Gapstur Sand
- Wendy and James Gardner
- Garrison Bay Lake Area Lions Club
- Harland and Connie Garvin
- Joseph Gastel
- Konrad Gastony
- Daniel Geiger
- Judith and Steven Gelderman
- Jimmy Geske
- Gibbon Lions Club
- Beth Gibson Lilja
- Susan Gillman
- Darlene Gilmartin and Craig Butts
- Nina Gilmer
- Ruth Glaeser
- Glencoe Lions Club
- Glenwood Lions Club
- Sharon Goetz
- Annie Goldberg
- Pam Golinveaux
- Jacqueline Goltz
- Amin Gomos
- Elizabeth Goodhart
- Derik and Cathy Goodman
- Goodridge Lions Club
- Rebecca Goodwater
- Angela and Sean Gotz
- Nathan and Lori Gove
- Sarah Graff
- Jackie Gravrok
- Greenbush-Badger Lions Club
- Joyce and Jeff Greene
- David Gregg
- Ellen and Phillip Griffin
- Kirsten Grinde
- Elaine Grittner
- Jeff Groffsky
- Becky Groseth
- Michelle and Lucas Grosinger
- Grove City Lions Club
- Lona Gruebele
- Gregory Guetschoff
- Bill and Marcia Guthrie
- Timothy and Theresa Gutsch
- Gentle Halstenson
- Hamburg Lions Club
- Heidi and Steve Hamilton
- Denise Hammond
- Chuck and Jean Hansen
- Gary Hansen
- Taylor Hanson
- Hanson Giving Fund
- Sharon Harrington
- Rachel Harris
- Heidi Hartman
- Pat Haskins
- Sharla Hassett
- Hastings Rivertown Lions Club
- Lisa Hathy and Mike Lungstrom
- Alex Hay
- Louise Hayden Falk and Milo Falk
- Mark Hebert
- Jonathan Hecht
- Rhonna and Rob Hed
- Mary Beth and Mike Heffernan
- Michelle and Daniel Heffernan
- Karen L. Heine
- Elizabeth Held
- Jeff Hendrickson
- Ali Hesano
- Hewitt Lions Club
- Susan Hezel
- Corrinne Hibbard
- Highland Prairie Church WELCA
- Christopher Hill
- Hill City Lions Club
- Julie Hillmyer
- Katherine Hirsch
- Kate Hirsch
- Philip Hodapp and Marlys Kuch
- Dennis Hoelscher
- Kathleen Hoelscher
- Jan Hofer
- Mary Jo Hoff
- Rebecca Hoffman
- Ronald Holbach
- Dorothy Holden
- Ilene Holm
- Julie Holmen
- Dorothy Holmes
- Chris Holtz
- Lori and Larry Homan
- A William Hooke
- Dave Hoot
- Teresa Hopkins
- Brian Hopps
- Beth Hornung
- Houston Lions Club
- Michelle Howd
- Nora Howell
- Michelle Howk
- Jacque Hoye
- Mike Hrdlicka
- Sonia Huber
- Richard Hudson
- Hugo Lions Club
- Susan Hulbert
- John and Heather Hultquist
- Carole and John Humphrey
- Gail and Arlyn Hustad
- Hutchinson Lions Club
- Ingber Family Philanthropic Fund
- Robyn Isaacson
- Sean Ittner
- Erin Jacobs-Grodnick
- Robin Jacobson
- Ileen Jaeb
- Janet Mayer and Paul Petzschke Charitable Fund
- Sandra Jasko
- Jasper Lions Club
- Scott Jauman
- Amy Jauman
- Karen Jeapes
- Dennis Jelcic and Tahlia Simon
- Andrew Jenson
- Joe and Loa Gray Family Giving Fund
- Joe and Sara Wandrei Charity Fund
- Cynthia Jogodka
- Daniel and Jenny John
- Johnson Controls Matching
- April Johnson
- Ashley and Cole Johnson
- Brad and Janet Johnson
- Chris and Jim Johnson
- Donald Johnson
- Ellen Johnson
- Heather Johnson
- Heather and Bill Johnson
- Jennifer Johnson
- Kimberly Johnson
- Lisa Johnson
- Nick Johnson
- Noel Johnson
- Patricia Johnson
- Rochelle Johnson
- Scotty Johnson
- Teri Johnson
- Thomas Johnson
- Vicki Johnson
- Vivian Johnson
- Janelle Jordan
- Fred and Bernardine Jordan
- Edna Juech
- Nicole Jung
- Gerald and Ann Kalin
- Darren Kari
- Nancy and Marv Karth
- Sorrel Kaspszak
- Ruth Katz
- Wendy Kaufmann
- Rachel Kaul
- Thomas Kelly
- Alison Kennedy
- Cheryl D Kent
- L D Kenyon
- Denise Kesselring
- Kristina Kessler
- Ruth Kewitsch
- Mary and William Kilby
- Rebecca and Jerry Kill
- John and Maureen Kimmes
- Tom and Ruth King
- Carlotta and Ken King
- Kingston Lions Club
- Carolyn Kinney
- Gordon Klaudt
- Pete and Sharon Kleingartner
- Fred and Carol Klingelhofer
- David Knutson
- Stephen and Mary Kodluboy
- Timothy Kohls
- Julie Koosman
- Kopsi Family Fund
- David and Sara Kostek
- Heidi Krause and Barry Lyons
- Kathryn Krause
- Mike, Jonah & Annie Krohn
- Katie Kromer-Ide
- Darla Kromm
- James and Coralee Krueger
- Nancy Kruse
- David Kuball
- Annika Kuelbs
- Greg Kurr
- La Crescent Lions Club
- Katie Lajiness
- Lake Crystal Lions Club
- Lake Henry Lions Club
- Lakefield Lions Club
- Anna Mae and Doug Lambert
- Tracy Lamparty
- Keller Lampert
- Lancaster Lions Club
- Gwyn Lang
- Cathy Lask
- Barbara Latterell
- Christopher Lavalle
- John Lavender
- Patrick Lawrence
- Le Center Lions Club
- Le Roy Lions Club
- Branth Leander
- Lornette and Larry Ledum
- Anne Lee
- Scott Leech
- Gloria Lehnertz
- Heather Leide
- Alena, Maxim, Mikita, and Mikalai Lemesh
- Charlie Lemke
- Lester Prairie Lions Club
- Helen Levitt
- Lynne Lew
- Liberty Mutual Foundation Match
- Charles Lindberg
- Marilyn Lingard
- Lino Lakes Lions Club
- Louise and Steve Litman
- Little Falls Lindbergh Lions Club
- Mary Kathryn Lo Conte
- LOLgives matching
- Judie Lore
- Thomas Lowe
- Lucan Lions Club
- Barb Lucas
- LaVonne Ludke
- Marty and Jean Lukaszewski
- Mark Lukowski
- Terri Lundquist
- Teresa Luterbach
- Luverne Lions Club
- Janice and James Lynch
- Sandra Machaj
- Anne and Dale Mackereth
- David Madden
- Karen Madson
- Stephanie and Dorothy Magelky
- Theresa Maggi
- Mary and Wesley Mahlberg
- Carol Maley
- Nikki and Michael Mandile
- Kim Manelli
- Bess Manesis
- Mankato Sunrise Lions Club
- Brian Manke
- Maplewood North Lions Club
- Maplewood Oakdale Lions Club
- Peggy Marchesani
- Caren Martin
- Mary Giesler Donor Advised Fund
- Barbara Masin
- Felecia Masoudi
- Judith Masse-Kaffine
- Carrie Mastenbrook
- Lucy and Randall Mattson
- Angela Maxam-Brown
- Claire Mayer
- Mazeppa Lions Club
- Ruth McAlindon
- Mary McAndrews
- Patricia McCabe
- Katee McCabe
- Patrick McCall
- Jean McCallum
- Shirley McCaslin
- Julie McChesney
- Sherry McChesney
- Mary and John McCullough
- Maurice McDowell
- Suzanne McKeever
- Sandra McKie
- Barbara McMorris
- Patty McPherson
- Judy McQuade
- Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
- Amanda Meindl
- Jodi Menke
- Sue Merce
- Maryann and John Merideth
- Cindy Mertens and Kenneth Kapsner
- Barbara and Jeffrey Michell
- Milan Lions Club
- Sandy Milburn
- Bruce Miller
- Jackie Miller
- Joy Miller
- Linda Miller
- Roxanne Miller
- Patricia Mills
- Minnesota Lake Lions Club
- Minnesota State Society of Medical Assistants
- Michael Mitton
- Carl Mohrlant
- Deb and Bill Molin
- Cynthia Monahan
- Montgomery Lions Club
- Moorhead Lions Club
- Moorhead Midday Lions Club
- Morgan Lions Club
- Jessica & Harlan Mork
- Morris Lions Club
- Michael and Nancy Morrison
- Edith Moser
- Kyle Motl
- Patricia Moudry
- Mounds View Lions Club
- Tanya Mueller
- Brent and Jamie Mueller
- Gwen and Mason Myers
- Vanessa Nagel
- Patience Nauta
- Carin Navratil
- Adam Nelson
- Bradley Nelson
- Mary Nelson
- Alicia Nelson
- Barbara Nelson
- Nancy Nevin-Atwood
- Nevis Lions Club
- New London Lions Club
- New Richland Lions Club
- New Ulm Lions Club
- Newfolden Lions Club
- Susan Nixon
- Brian A Nord
- Seth Nord
- North St. Paul Lions Club
- Northfield Lions Club
- Northland Bible Baptist Church
- Northland Lions Club
- Norwood Young America Lions Club
- Rick and Susan Novak
- Pamela Novotny
- Jill Obarski
- Randall Ober and Anke Bakker
- Kathryn Oberg
- DeDee O'Brien
- Juli and Joe Odegaard
- Anthony, Rebecca, and Gabriel O'Donnell
- Mike Oehrlein
- Joanelle and Rodney Ogrezovich
- Janice O'Leary
- April Olene
- Karl Oles
- Kelley Ollmann
- Christopher Olsen
- David and Carole Olsen
- Wayne and Marilyn Olsen
- Amanda Olson
- Peggy Olson
- Onamia Lions Club
- Bonnie Ostlund
- Robert Ostlund
- Owatonna Lions Club
- David Owens
- P.H.S. Peers Helping Society Leo Club
- Allison Pafko
- Dave Palmieri
- Walter and Pamela Pappas
- Jeffrey and Nancy Parker
- Parkers Prairie Lions Club
- M. Ann and Brian Partridge
- Marilyn and Peter Pash
- Valerie Penner
- Pennock Lions Club
- Mark Perry
- Becky Petersen
- Brett Petersen
- Wendy and Douglas Petersen
- Abby Peterson
- David Peterson
- Leslie Peterson
- Jim Peterson
- Sarah Peterson
- Traci Peterson
- Pfizer
- Isaac Phelps
- Kimberly Phelps
- Michael Phenow
- Joanne Phillippi
- Brad and Sandy Phillips
- Terry and Randy Phillips
- Kristi Pierro
- Vicki Pietrowiak
- Steven Pincus
- Pine City Pine Area Lions Club
- Pine River Lions Club
- David Pinsky
- Plainview Lions Club
- Planet Art
- Nancy Plas
- Plato Lions Club
- Plummer Lions Too Lions Club
- Pohlad Family Foundation
- Stephanie and Jason Polak
- Polaris Industries Inc
- Bernadine Polovitz
- Debra Pool
- Elise Pope
- Matt Porter
- Ana Pottratz Acosta
- Bethany Pralle
- Pia, Jonathan, and Dan Prenevost
- Connie Priesz
- Sharon and Gerry Proskin
- Jo Prouty
- Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Krystal Ptacek
- Mary Putney
- Bonnie and Donald Quigley
- Joe Raab
- Mary Radtke
- Krystal Rahlf
- Jason Rahn
- Randall Cushing Little Elk Lions Club
- Jane Ranum
- Sherie Ratzer
- Red Wing Lions Club
- Janalee Reineke Lyth and Bill Lyth
- Rebecca Reinemann
- Judith Reinking
- Ann Renner
- Renville Lions Club
- Mary Rhatigan
- Stephanie Rice
- Kate Richards
- Jaime and Linda Richards
- Krispen and Richard Ridgway
- Darlene Riley
- Erik Roadfeldt
- Robbinsdale Lions Club
- Stephanie Roberson
- Rael Rodning
- Michael and Sue Roeder
- Gregory Rogers
- Patty Romanko
- Heidi Rooney
- Betty Rose
- Rosemount Lions Club
- Amber Rosenau
- Melissa and Dean Rossow
- Rotary Club of West St Paul/Mendota Heights
- Eleanor Roth
- Barbara and Robert Roy
- Jim and Renee Rubendall
- Barbara and Roger Rubin
- Alexander Rud
- Tracie Ruether
- John Russo
- Kristi Russo
- Suzanne Ryan
- Sharon Ryan-Olin
- Sabin Lions Club
- Amy and Wade Sabot
- Sacred Heart Lions Club
- Judy Saienga
- Salesforce
- Nancy Sand
- Carolyn and David Sanders
- John Sanders
- Sandy Sandwick
- Rena Sarigianopoulos
- Sartell Lions Club
- Peg Sasker
- Jane Sassenfeld
- Clay Sawatzke
- Cindy, Mark, and Kevin Schaefer
- Rebecca Scheller
- Joanne and Arlen Scherber
- Barbara Schiel
- Karen and Duane Schlosser
- Charles Schmidt
- Dona and Scott Schneider
- Laurie Schneider
- Andrea Schokker
- John and Nancy Scholl
- Arlan and Sharon Schroeder
- Blake and Jane Schroeder
- Julianne Schuster
- Kevin Schwab
- Kristi Schwanebeck
- Amy Schwartz
- Pamela Schwartz
- Shawn and Rene Schwartz
- Stephanie Schwartz
- Diane Schwecke
- AnnaBelle Scoonover
- Sebeka Lions Club
- Sallie Seiberlich
- Lori Selman
- Christine and John Sennentz
- Michael Shafer
- Shedlick Charitable Fund
- Rich and Mike Sheehan
- Natalie Shepherd
- Anne Sherman
- Jeremy Shong
- Shoreview Arden Hills Lions Club
- Abbey Showalter-Loch
- Siberian Husky Club Of Twin Cities
- Philip Sieff
- Lois Siegel
- Mary Sieling
- Laurie Siever
- J. Richard Simpson
- Leith Simpson
- Denise Sjoberg
- Catherine Skar
- Sandra Skiba
- John Skubic
- Mary Slayton
- Dorothy Slegman
- Steve and Sherry Sletten
- Scott Slocum
- Richard Smith
- Tracy Smith
- Amy Snapper
- Alex Snoeren
- Sobieski Lions Club
- Wendy Sommer
- Kristen Sommers
- Jessica Speed
- Sara Spiess
- Spring Grove Lions Club
- St Charles Lions Club
- St James Lions Club
- St. Augusta Lions Club
- St. Francis Lions Club
- St. Hilaire Lions Club
- St. John the Baptist Men's Club
- St. Martin Lions Club
- St. Michael Lions Club
- St. Paul East Park Lions Club
- St. Paul North Ramsey 500 Lions Club
- St. Stephen Lions Club
- David Staaf
- Jean and Callie Stammeyer
- Laura Stark
- Roger Stauffenecker
- Jane Steck
- Barbara Steenberg
- Scott Steffen
- Judy Stenzel
- Stephen Lions Club
- Denise and Steven Sterling
- Nancy Stern
- Patricia Stewart
- Stewartville Lions Club
- Sofia Rose Stiles
- Blythe Stillwell
- Diana and Larry Stoen
- Casey and Linda Strachan
- Deb and Tom Streefland
- Deb Streese
- Connie Strobel
- Susan Stryker
- Scott Sturges
- Sun Life Financial
- Tracy Sundstrom
- Kaydell Sunsten
- Kari Swandal
- Julie Swedberg
- Melissa Swenson
- Linda Sycks
- Nicole Sztuk
- Greg and Darlys Tanghe
- Carol Taylor
- Telep Family Charitable Fund
- Miriam Temme
- Dennis Tennessen
- Terry and Karilyn Ryan Fund
- Lois and James Tesch
- Pat Teske
- David Thatcher
- Thief River Falls Lions Club
- Cyndia Thimsen
- Jody Thoennes
- Jacob and Stephanie Thomas
- Linda M Thompson
- Susan Thompson
- Aaron Thoreson
- Christopher and Nancy Thorsen
- Alison Thorsness
- TIAA Services Corporate
- Wayne and Lenay Tieman
- Jason Timmers
- Janet Todd
- Holly Tonolli
- Beth Topliff
- Lisette Torve
- Lindsey Trader
- Traci Traut
- Claudia and Michael Traynor
- Creative Team Friends Trustage
- Karen Tschida
- Evan Tubbs
- Sue Tuchfarber
- Gina Tuohy
- Daniel Tuohy
- Ray and Mary Turcotte
- Tricia Turk
- Gerald and Debra Urban
- Erin Van Heirseele
- Kelly Van Riper
- Rae Van Wyhe
- Twyla Vanbeusekom
- Lisa Vandenham
- Justin Vandervegt
- Dave Verbeke
- Verndale Lions Club
- Rebecca Viens
- Michelle Vils Havel
- Jim Vollhaber
- Keith and Dawn Vorderbruggen
- Beth Vossen
- Gretchen and Henk Vroege
- Wabasso Lions Club
- Doug Wagner
- Margaret and Paul Wagner
- James Waldo
- Dale and Kathryn Waletzko
- Meredith Walsh
- Donalee Wanna
- Sarah Warbuck
- Mary and Wally Warpeha
- Warroad Lions Club
- Waseca Lions Club
- Conrad Wasmer
- Steven and Debra Wasserman
- Kathryn Waters
- Watertown Lions Club
- Richard and Willis Lynne Watson
- Waverly Lions Club
- Debra Weichel
- Gail Weiner
- Gary Weinkauf
- Erin Welch
- Wendell Lions Club
- Julia Wermerskirchen
- Adam Wermerson
- Westbrook Lions Club
- Maria Weygandt
- Stacey Whalen
- Wheaton Lions Club
- Whitehall Lions Club (WI)
- Jeanne Whitehill
- Marilyn and Art Wick
- Fawn Widman
- Holly Wiedenhoeft
- Robert Wiens
- Trecia Wiewel
- Heidi Wilensky
- Wendy Williams
- Barbara and Paul Williams
- Diana Williams
- Lorie Wilson
- Windom Lions Club
- Winnebago Lions Club
- Winona Lions Club
- Caroline Winslow
- Jeannette and William Wittrock
- Ryan Wolff
- Susan Wollmer-Trapp
- Kristi Wraspir
- Jo Wright
- Alison Yocom
- Barbara Young
- Steven Youngstedt
- Nancy Zabel
- Polly Zabel
- Lisa Zabel
- Evy Zacher
- Tom Zander
- Petrina Zaraszczak
- Paola Zarraga
- Dan Zibell
- Deborah Zwickey
- Dianne Zylla
2024 Volunteer Lists
2024 Donor Lists
2024 Legacy Club
The Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated by a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.