When Abbi started to have focus and memory problems in 2018, she was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the brain. Abbi explains the effects, saying, “I drop so many things like my phone, stylus, remote, medicine bottles, etc.” That is a common problem when Abbi tries to cook because food items and knives fall out of her hands, and she can end up with cuts and burns.
Other symptoms affect her too. “Bending down and stooping for me is hard because I either fall or hit my head or body.” Additionally, Abbi has “chorea” from her disease, which she explains, “causes my whole body to move and kick my legs.”
As a busy wife and mom, Abbi wanted more help with these challenges. She says, “I have a friend who fosters for Can Do Canines in Jackson County, and we have talked many times about the program.” So Abbi decided she should put that talk to the walk.
She applied for a Mobility Assist Dog and was soon falling in love with a yellow Lab named Lucy. Abbi says that Lucy has soft fur and a pink nose. “She is very smart, sweet, and loving.” Abbi admits that she was relieved when the two of them bonded so quickly. So did Lucy and Abbi’s family’s 10-year-old pet dog. “They were fast friends.”
Abbi says that having Lucy “has been helpful to me and the people around me. Lucy is able to pick up things I drop, like [my] phone, with my laundry by picking up the clothes off the floor, putting them into the laundry basket, and tugging into the laundry room. She is able to tug the refrigerator doors open and grab water.”
Abbi also feels more comfortable leaving the house. “It's easier to be out with my family and other people,” she says. She has been able to start attending workout classes, and she is making travel plans, knowing that she and Lucy can take advantage of practicing during a Can Do Canines’ “Flight to Nowhere” session at the airport.
Expressing her thoughts to Lucy’s Raisers, Abbi shares, “Thank you for all your hard work with Lucy. She is such a sweet and smart companion in my life.” She puts her newfound contentment in perspective, saying, “I am grateful that Lucy helps me be safe . . . I feel much more at peace.”
Thank you to all those who made this partnership possible:
Raisers — Joan and Lisa Baker, Emma and Andrew Hilby
Special Thanks — Stanley Correctional Institution
Name-A-Puppy Donor — Ben and Kathleen Fowke