How to Use a Halti Head Collar
- Head strap: clips behind ears, has rubber “Halti” logo in it, should be loose enough to fit 2 fingers under it, but you should not be able to slip off over ears
- “HALTI” label sits under DOG’S LEFT ear
- Padded nose loop should be loose enough to move with your finger down the bridge of nose and reach “leather line” but not slide off (as shown in illustration)
- Adjust the entire piece’s fit with the slider on the head strap behind ears. Moving the slider to shorten the single strap (towards the dog’s right ear) means tightening, moving the slider to shorten the double strap (towards the Halti label) means loosening.
Putting on a Halti Head Collar:
- Locate the loop above the silver figure-8 divider. Cue “Get Dressed” so the dog’s nose moves into the loop, with the silver divider under the chin.
- Make sure the straps are flat and nothing is twisted around itself. Clip together behind ears.
- Attach leash to floating ring under chin.
- If you have a safety strap, that connects to "D" ring on dog’s collar.
When you remove the Halti by pinching the plastic clasp, hang it immediately on a hook so it does not tangle.
- Fitting the Halti Head Collar
- Training with the Halti Head Collar
Note: Do not use the double leash as suggested at 1:27. Use only the leash and Halti given to you by your Client Services Coordinator if it has been adapted. Notify them when in need of replacements.
You may not have a safety strap attached to your Halti because of your physical needs. They are not required, only recommended for people who can use them.