100 - 102.5 F
Lubricate a digital thermometer with petroleum jelly and gently insert into rectum and listen for beep.
20-40 breaths per minute
Watch chest cavity while at rest, calmly laying on the floor or standing. Please note respiratory effort (normal, labored, noisy, etc.)
Heart Rate
Puppy (under 1 year): 120-160 beats per minute
Small dog adult (under 30 lbs.): 100-140 beats per minute
Medium-Large dog adult (over 30 lbs.): 60-100 beats per minute
Place your hand on left side of chest or the inner thigh of rear leg and count the number of beats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.
Mucous Membranes
Normal: Pink
Abnormal: Blue, brown, dark red, yellow, very pale or white
Check the gums, tongue or inner eyelids for color.
Capillary Refill Time
Normal: 1- 2 seconds
Gently but firmly press your finger on the gums so they blanch, or turn white, then remove your finger. Note the amount of time it takes for color to return to gums.
Hydration Status
Normal: Skin on scruff of neck snaps back into place immediately after releasing it. Gums, tongue are slick, moist.
Lift skin on the scruff of neck & release. Check mucous membranes; gums, tongue.