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Why I’m Not Listening – By Guest Author, Catie Schlenk
Hello Volunteers! We’ve talked about how primates really like to use their hands, and even I can admit that you really hit the evolutionary jackpot with those opposable thumbs. Well, this week we’re leaving other primates in the dust and stepping into territory only humans occupy: spoken language. Humans say words. Like, a lot of words. LIKE, A LOT OF WORDS ALL THE TIME. Your human words are more than the sum of their parts, and interact with each other in dazzlingly infinite ways. And you know what? Good for you! That’s why you’re in charge and my kind is …
September 13, 2023
Tether Time!
Using a leash to tether a dog to you is a training tool that is simple and effective. Tethering teaches the dog to follow you, rather than you following the dog. It allows you to provide the dog with quick feedback to reduce undesired behaviors while also promoting impulse control and calmness. (Always keep a hand on the leash when the dog is tethered in public or in an unfenced yard). Real-world example: A visitor arrives at your home and the dog excitedly jumps to greet them. You quickly guide them back down with the leash, or even step on …
October 24, 2023
What Is Prey Drive?
What is Prey Drive? Prey drive is an innate instinct in dogs, characterized by their desire to chase, and catch objects that resemble prey. This natural inclination varies among individual dogs and breeds, but it plays a significant role in their behavior. Today we’ll explore what prey drive is and how it presents in dogs. How Prey Drive Presents in Dogs Chasing: Dogs with a strong prey drive often exhibit intense chasing behavior. They may chase after birds, squirrels, toys, or even moving objects like cars or bicycles. Stalking: Some dogs may exhibit stalking behavior. They crouch low, moving stealthily toward their …
November 20, 2023
Prey Drive, Part 2
Managing Prey Drive and the Predatory Motor Sequence Training: Positive reinforcement training can help redirect prey drive into more appropriate behaviors. Rewarding your dog for responding to cues can be effective in breaking their fixation on a target. Common cues such as nudge, find it, and come, can be useful. Visit the Puppy Program Volunteer Portal to learn about our full list of cues. Supervision: Always supervise your dog when they are outside to ensure they do not chase or harm wildlife, and keep them on a leash or in a securely fenced area. If a dog displays high prey drive, they may need …
November 21, 2023
Holiday and Winter Safety Tips
Outside Guidelines General rule of thumb: If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them. Dogs can get frostbite too. Please keep them indoors during inclement weather conditions. Keep walks short, but try to provide them more frequently so they still get proper exercise. See if there are indoor tracks or facilities near you where you could walk the dog for exercise. Musher’s Secret is a good option to use on the dog’s pads for cold-weather walking. If you’ve walked the dog on surfaces that have been salted for ice, wipe their paws and in between toes upon …
November 28, 2023
Generalizing Cues
Dogs aren’t born with the ability to generalize behaviors in a variety of different environments or under novel distractions- it takes time and experience. In the following video, Autumn’s excitement to get on the other side of the fence hijacks her ability to perform basic cues. In contrast, she can perform all of these cues easily in the less exciting environment of her living room. (Trainer insight: it is likely that she has had a high rate of reinforcement for performing these cues in her living room – which increases the odds of correct performance). If you’ve hosted for any length …
February 20, 2024
Automatic Leave It Training
An automatic leave it means that the dog doesn’t need a cue to leave something alone and instead learns to look to the handler when there is a distraction. Dogs respond more appropriately when they understand what they are expected to do. We introduce an automatic leave it using Puppy Zen! Here is our Puppy Zen Guide that covers how to introduce this simple but effective game. This is a great activity to practice with your dog as you sit in front of the TV! Dog gives you eye contact, cookie! You can also work on eye contact in all areas of …
February 27, 2024
Indoor Activities!
Indoor activities for training and enrichment. Body Handling – Assistance dogs need to be handled by people a LOT! Getting the dog comfortable with handling, and then rehearsing those skills will set them on a path to success. Grooming & Care – Grooming and handling go hand in paw! Establishing a grooming routine helps to ensure the dog’s overall health and well-being. Join our Training Manager, Shenna Lemche, for a video review of our Grooming Basics. Brain Games – Trainer Tip: Mental exercise does more to wear out a pup than physical exercise. (You all know how they tend to crash out after …
March 5, 2024
Training vs. Practice – What’s the Difference?
Merriam-Webster provides us with the following definitions: Train – An orderly succession. A series of parts or elements that together constitute a system for producing a result and especially for carrying on a process automatically. Practice – To do or perform often, customarily, or habitually. To perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient. Training – Introduction to Performance When we first introduce a cue such as “park,” we break it down into smaller behaviors that we can mark with a “yes” and reward. We don’t expect that the dog will be able to perform this more complicated task with proficiency until …
March 12, 2024
Clarity – Why is it Important?
From a Lesson: Trainer: What day is it? Student: Uhh, Sunday? Trainer: What day is it? Student: … the 21st? Trainer: What day is it? Student: … ??? Trainer: See? I kept asking you the same question, and you gave me the right answer, but I didn’t accept it as such. So you changed your answer and got frustrated and confused. When you don’t thank your dog for giving you the right answer, he/she does the same. Clarity is important, and dogs need to be rewarded for their efforts. Before a training session, think about the possible steps that may …
March 19, 2024