Can Do Canines provides all food, preventative wellness treatments, and medical care at no cost to our volunteers. Walking equipment (such as leashes and collars) is also provided for each dog.
We recommend that our volunteers invest in the basic supplies listed below. We are happy to loan supplies such as kennels on a temporary basis!
- Crate (42” wire or plastic crate for adult dogs)
- Stainless steel feeding bowls
- Non-edible Nylabone (extra large or giant size)
- Red Kong (size large)
- Unopened, unexpired bottle of hydrogen peroxide
- Grooming supplies:
- Nail trimmer (Safari Professional or Millers Forge - or non-guillotine style)
- Styptic powder (stops bleeding)
- Dog ear cleanser (Vetoquinol ear cleanser solution)
- Cotton balls
- Oatmeal shampoo & conditioner (conditioner is optional)
- Brush (Kong Zoom Groom)
- Toothbrush and enzymatic dog toothpaste